Having a service /therapy dog is a HUGE commitment and not a decision to be taken lightly. Here are a few of the many benefits to having a service, Therapy or Facility dog such as
- Relieving not only the individual that is sick, but the family as well from certain daily tasks and stresses
- Companionship and comfort - as many of you know , having or being affected by T1D, or suffering from Mental Health conditions can make you feel alone or secluded
- Perform LIFE SAVING medical alerts - Such as detecting highs and lows in blood glucose levels
- Mobility Assistance - Help guide a wheel chair , pull a grocery cart and more
- Task reminders- reminders to take medications, check glucose levels and more
- Deep pressure therapy -assist with panic attacks/ anxiety
- Find an exit , to get you out of an uncomfortable situation
- Therapy/Facility dogs in schools are proven to boost attentiveness in class
- Therapy/Facility dogs Instill a sense of responsibility in students
- Increase social interaction
- Improve the moods of students
- Help replicate the family environment
- Many other LIFE SAVING tasks that are not listed above